dr. Gregor Bavdek
Kabinet P015
Predmeti na 1. stopnji / Courses (First Cycle)
- Mehanika v poučevanju / Mechanics in Teaching
- Matematične metode v fiziki 1 / Mathematical Methods in Physics 1
- Osnove merjenj / Introduction to Measurements
- Fizikalni eksperimenti 1 / Physics Experiments 1
- Matematične metode v fiziki 2 / Mathematical Methods in Physics 2
- Svetloba v poučevajnu / Light in Education
- Osnove moderne fizike / Fundamentals of Modern Physics
- Fizika snovi / Physics of Matter
- Atomi, molekule, jedra / Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei
Raziskovalna področja / Research areas
- morfološka in elektronska struktura tankih filmov / morphological and electronic structure of thin films
- dinamika prenosa naboja v tankih plasteh / charge transfer dynamics in thin layers
- samoureditvene nanostrukture / selfarranging nanostructures