izredna profesorica
dr. Veronika Tašner
Kabinet 119
Predmeti na 1. stopnji / Courses (First Cycle)
- Sociologija vzgoje/ Sociology of education
- Sociologija družine/Sociology of family
- Sociološki vidiki družinske ekonomike/Sociological aspects of home economics
- Spol in vzgoja/Gender and education
Predmeti na 2. stopnji / Courses (Second Cycle)
- Pravičnost in učinkovitost/Equity and efficiency in education
- Moč in edukacija/Power and education
- IDS – interdisciplinarni seminar
Raziskovalna področja / Research areas
- meritokracija in edukacija/meritocracy and education
- pravičnost in enakost v edukaciji/equity and equality in education
- primerjava sistemov edukacije/comparative education
- spol in edukacija/gender and education
- sociologija družine/sociology of family
- prihodnost edukacije/future of education
- javno,zasebno šolstvo/public, private education
Projekti / Projects
- Spolna strukturiranost sodobne slovenske družbe in položaj spolov v politiki./Gender structure of the contemporary Slovene society and gender positioning in the field of politics
- Neoliberalizem v evropskem izobraževalnem prostoru: med učinkovitostjo in pravičnostjo slovenskih izobraževalnih politik in praks. / Neoliberalism in the European Higher Education Area: Between the Efficiency and Equity of Slovenian Education Policies and Practices