redni profesor

dr. Urban Kordeš


Kabinet 320

Predmeti na 1. stopnji / Courses (First Cycle)

  • Opazovanje, poslušanje, dialog / Observing, Listening, Dialogue
  • Učenje in kreiranje znanja – od možganov do izkustva / Learning and knowledge creation – from brain to experience

Predmeti na 2. stopnji / Courses (Second Cycle)

  • Uvod v kognitivno znanost 2 / Introduction to Cognitive Science 2
  • Uvod v raziskovanje 1 / Introduction into Research 1
  • Trendi v kognitivni znanosti / Trends in Cognitive Science
  • Prvoosebno raziskovanje / First person research
  • Metodološka in raziskovalna obravnava tem s področja vzgoje in psihosocialnega dela / The Methodological and Research Treatment of Themes from the
  • Field of Education and Psychosocial Work with People

  • Slana Ozimič, A., Oblak, A., Kordeš, U., Purg, N., Bon, J., Repovš, G. (2023). The diversity of strategies used in working memory for colors, orientations, and positions : a quantitative approach to a first-person inquiry.Cognitive science 47(8), 1-26.
  • Kordeš, U., Demšar, E. (2023). Horizons of becoming aware : constructing a pragmatic-epistemological framework for empirical first-person research.Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 22(2), 339-367.
  • Oblak, A., Slana Ozimič, A., Repovš, G., Kordeš, U. (2022). What individuals experience during visuo-spatial working memory task performance : an exploratory phenomenological study.Frontiers in psychology. 13, 1-19.
  • Kordeš, U., Demšar, E. (2021). Towards the epistemology of the non-trivial : research characteristics connecting quantum mechanics and first-person inquiry.Foundations of science. 26(1), 187–216.
  • Kordeš, U., Demšar, E. (2021). Being there when it happens : a novel approach to sampling reflectively observed experience.New ideas in psychology. 60, 1-13.
  • Kordeš, U., Oblak, A., Smrdu, M., Demšar, E. (2019). Ethnography of meditation : an account of pursuing meditative practice as a tool for researching consciousness.Journal of consciousness studies : controversies in science & the humanities. 26(7/8), 184-237.
  • Kordeš, U., Demšar, E. (2018). Excavating belief about past experience : experiential dynamics of the reflective act.Constructivist Foundations. 13(2), 219-229.

Vse reference / All references

  • Training in Embodied Critical Understanding – TECU (lead researcher at the University of Ljubljana) (Erasmus+; 2023-2026)
  • Green nudge (researcher) (EU-NextGenerationEU, MIZŠ; “ULTRA” projects; 2022-2025)
  • Optimized study environment in Society 5.0 (lead researcher at the Faculty of Education) (EU-NextGenerationEU, MIZŠ; “ULTRA” projects; 2022-2025)
  • Training in Embodied Critical Thinking – TECT (lead researcher at the University of Ljubljana) (Erasmus+; 2020-2023)
  • EUTOPIA European University (learning unit lead; learning unit Introduction to cognitive science) (Erasmus+, UL; 2019- )
  • Measuring psychophysiological parameters as input data for computerized adaptive testing (lead researcher at the Faculty of Education) (ARRS; 2013-2016)
  • Na uporabnika osredotočen razvoj rešitev s pomočjo tehnologij razširjene resničnosti  / User-centered development of solutions using augmented reality technologies
  • Deskriptivno vzorčenje doživljanja – misli in abstraktno razmišljanje  / Descriptive experience sampling – thoughts and abstract thinking (Faculty of Education – internal faculty call; 2013)

  • empirična fenomenologija / empirical phenomenology
  • metode v raziskovanju netrivialnih sistemov / methods in the research of the non-trivial systems
  • nevrofenomenologija / neurophenomenology
  • globinsko raziskovanje / in-depth research
  • interdisciplinarno in kolaborativno raziskovanje v kognitivni znanosti / interdisciplinary and collaborative research in cognitive science

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