dr. Janez Jamšek
Kabinet P076
Predmeti na 1. stopnji / Courses (First Cycle)
- Didaktika tehnike 1 / Didactics of technical education 1
- Didaktika tehnike 2 / Didactics of technical education 2
- Didaktika tehnike 3 / Didactics of technical education 3
- Didaktika tehnike 4 / Didactics of technical education 4
- Matematične metode v tehniki / Mathematical methods in technical education
- Tehnika z didaktiko / Technical studies with didactics
Predmeti na 2. stopnji / Courses (Second Cycle)
- Izbrane teme iz tehnike z didaktiko / Selected themes from technical education with didactics
- Odprti učni sistemi in učne tehnologije v tehniki / Open learning systems and learning technology in technical education
- Razvojno raziskovalni projekti v šolstvu / Developmental research projects in education
Raziskovalna področja / Research areas
- biomedicinska tehnika (metode za analizo nelinearnih dinamičnih sistemov) / biomedicine engineering (methods for nonlinear dynamics system analysis)
- mehanski pogoni: analiza zvoka in vibracij ležajev za diagnostiko in prognostiko / mechanical drives: bearings noise & vabration analysis diagnosis and prognosis
- tehniško izobraževanje / engineering education
- didaktika tehnike / didactics of technical education
Projekti / Projects
- Računalniško podprt laboroatorij pri pouku naravosovja in tehnike (Computerised laboratory for science and technology teaching – part 2). Pilotski projekt Leonardo da Vinci št. SI-05-B-F-PP-176008, 2005-2007.
- Politike, modeli in podatki (policy, models and data), Student and young researchers mobility, BI-US/05-06/020, 2005-2006.
- Brain, respiration and cardiac causalities in anaesthesia – BRACCIA, FP6-2003-NEST-PATH, 2005-2009.
- E-jasli: elektronsko učenje za potrebe strokovnih delavcev v vrtcih (E-crèches. E-learning contents for crèche and kindergarten’s workers), Leonardo da Vinci št. I/05/B/F/PP-154145, 2005-2007.
- Competence – based training for VET professionals in clean environment – COMBAT, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, št. 2009-1BG1-LEO05-01655), 2009-2011.
- Ravnanje z odpadki (WASTE TRAIN) , Leonardo da Vinci Project TR/06/B/F/PP/178066, 2006-2008,
- Razvoj MEMS sensorskih omrežij za prediktivno vzdrževanje mehanskih pogonov (Prognostics and health management of mechanical drives based on novel MEMS sensor networks), L2 4160 MEMS, 2011-2014.
- Structuring of Work Related Competences in Chemical Engineering, STRENGTH, 2013-1-ES1-LEO05-66726, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project, 2013-2015.