
dr. Damjana Kogovšek


Kabinet 013

Predmeti na 1. stopnji / Courses (First Cycle)

  • Inkluzivna vzgoja in izobraževanje / Inclusive Education
  • Osnovne strategije dela z osebami z govorno jezikovnimi motnjami ter gluhimi in naglušnimi / Fundamental Strategies for Working with People with
  • Speech-Language Disorders and with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Teorije rehabilitacije v logopediji in surdopedagogiki / Theory of Rehabilitation in Speech and Language Therapy and Ethics
  • Metode rehabilitacije poslušanja, jezika in govora / Listening, Language and Speech Rehabilitation
  • Razvoj komunikacije, govora in jezika / Communication, Speech and Language Development
  • Nadomestna in dopolnilna komunikacija / Alternative and Augmentative Communication
  • Zaznava govora / Perception of Speech
  • Metode dela z gluhimi in naglušnimi v zgodnjem otroštvu / Working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Pre- school
  • Komunikacijski razvoj gluhih in naglušnih / Communication Development of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Metode dela z gluhimi in naglušnimi v šolskem in odraslem obdobju / Working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in School and Adult age

Predmeti na 2. stopnji / Courses (Second Cycle)

  • Management v logopediji in surdopedagogiki / Management in SLT
  • Inkluzija gluhih in naglušnih / Inclusion of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Kultura gluhih in mentalno zdravje gluhih / The Culture and Mental Health of the Deaf

Raziskovalna področja / Research areas

  • Gluhi in naglušni / Deaf and Hard of hearing
  • Razvoj govora, jezika in komunikacije / Speech, Language and Communication development
  • Govorne, jezikovne in komunikacijske motnje / Speech, Language and Communication disorders
  • Inkluzija oseb s posebnimi potrebami / Inclusion of people with special needs

Projekti / Projects

  • ISCH COST Action IS1406 – Enhancing children’s oral language skills across Europe and beyond – a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning their first language.
  • Projekt ”Internacionalizacija Univerze v Ljubljani” (”Internationalization of University of Ljubljana”).
  • Projekt ‘Transitions of students with developmental disabilities: Fostering School-Home Partnerships’.
  • NetQues project. Network for Tuning Standards and Quality of Education programmes in Speech and Language Therapy across Europe.
  • Cross-linguistic study of protracted phonological (speech) development in children: Slovenian. Project co-operation between the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana and the University of British Columbia.
  • TE4I project. Teacher Education for Inclusion across Europe. Challenges and Opportunities.
  • WB 04/06 project: Development towards the inclusive school: Practices – research – capacity building, Univerza Beograd, Skopje, Zagreb, Tuzla, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Oslo. Nosilec: dr. Berit Johnsen.

Ostali zaposleni


Vesna Ferk Savec



Janez Krek

Temeljni pedagoški študij


Barbara Mlakar

Kadrovska služba


Miha Matjašič

Temeljni pedagoški študij


Ana Jamnik

Likovna pedagogika

Bodi na tekočem