dr. Toma Strle
Vegova ulica 4
Predmeti na 1. stopnji / Courses (First Cycle)
- Učenje in kreiranje znanja – od možganov do izkustva / Learning and knowledge creation – from brain to experience
Predmeti na 2. stopnji / Courses (Second Cycle)
- Uvod v kognitivno znanost 1 in 2 / Introduction to Cognitive Science 1 and 2
- Uvod v raziskovanje 1 in 2 / Introduction into Research 1 and 2
- Trendi v kognitivni znanosti / Trends in Cognitive Science
- Magistrski seminar / Master thesis seminar
- Uvod v filozofijo / Introduction to Philosophy
- Interdisciplinarna obravnava kognitivnega fenomena 1 in 2 / Interdisciplinary Approach to a Cognitive Phenomenon 1 and 2
Izbrane objave / Selected publications
- Strle, T. (2023). Does technology contribute to meaningful learning?. Constructivist Foundations 18(2), 343-
- Strle, T., & Markič, O. (2021). O odločanju in osebni avtonomiji (On Decision-Making and Personal Autonomy). Maribor: Aristej.
- Gsenger, R., & Strle, T. (2021). Trust, automation bias and aversion: algorithmic decision-making in the context of credit scoring. Interdisciplinary description of complex systems 19(4), 542-560.
- Strle, T. (2020). Does the task shape the mind or does the mind shape the task?. Constructivist Foundations 15(3), 260-263.
- Strle, T. (2018). Looping minds: how cognitive science exerts influence on its findings. Interdisciplinary description of complex systems 16(4), 533-544.
- Strle, T., & Markič, O. (2018). Looping effects of neurolaw and the precarious marriage between neuroscience and the law. Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10(1), 17-26.
- Strle, T. (2016). Embodied, enacted and experienced decision-making. Phainomena 25(98/99), 83-107.
- Training in Embodied Critical Understanding – TECU (researcher, teacher) (Erasmus+; 2023-2026)
- Green nudge (lead researcher at the Faculty of Education) (EU-NextGenerationEU, MIZŠ; “ULTRA” projects; 2022-2025)
- Optimized study environment in Society 5.0: Development of a model for measuring environmental parameters and their effects on participants in the study process to support the transition to a green and sustainable academic society (researcher) (EU-NextGenerationEU, MIZŠ; “ULTRA” projects; 2022-2025)
- Training in Embodied Critical Thinking – TECT (researcher, teacher) (Erasmus+; 2020-2023)
- EUTOPIA European University (researcher, teacher; WP2, learning unit Introduction to cognitive science) (Erasmus+; 2019- )
- Creative Path to Knowledge 2017–2020, Optimisation of social-pedagogy work with families with the support of equines (academic PI) (European Social Fund & Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia; 2019)
- Measuring psychophysiological parameters as input data for computerized adaptive testing (researcher) (Slovenian Research Agency, ARRS; 2013-2016)
- Descriptive experience sampling – thoughts and abstract thinking (Faculty of Education – internal faculty call; 2013)
- Decision-making
- Neurophenomenology
- First-person research
- Self-referential processes of the human mind.
- Epistemology within cognitive sciences
- The intersection between applied behavioural sciences and sciences of the mind
Predsednik | Head of
- Skupni interdisciplinarni študijski program druge stopnje Kognitivna znanost / The Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science (MEi:CogSci) at University of Ljubljana
Raziskovalne teme za študente | Research topics for students
- Teme za magistrsko delo / Master’s thesis topics (same as the link below)
- PDF Mobility semester projects & master’s thesis topics