21. 3. 2024

21. marca praznujemo svetovni dan lutk

Lutke so del programa na različnih oddelkih Pedagoške fakultete predšolska vzgoja, razredni pouk, specialno rehabilitacijska pedagogika, surdo -logopedija in likovna pedagogika.

Tudi Erasmus študenti imajo na naši fakulteti možnost izbrati predmet ‘Lutka v pedagoškem procesu’, pod mentorstvom doc. dr. Helene Korošec in asistentke Katje Povše.


Delimo nekaj njihovih odzivov in utrinkov z naših delavnic:

“The puppet is a magical thing. It can say what it wants to say and how it wants to say it. At one point in the workshop, I found myself in a different way. I discovered a creativity I didn’t know I had, as well as the ability to establish an emotional connection with a puppet.”

“I thought that puppets were only for children and that playing wasn’t that important for older people. Nevertheless, this subject has shifted my mind in many ways and it has made me improve on a more personal level.”

“This course has given me not only joy but also confidence and creativity. It has allowed me to rediscover some aspects of myself that I have forgotten and has given me a space to feel at home while being far away.”

“The first day of puppetry has been very touching and I have felt a lot of happiness going into the class. It is important to say that I had never been in a puppet class or anything like it and I didn’t know how this world worked.”

“I would like to say that this work has fulfilled me and completed me as a person and as a teacher. It has been very gratifying to be able to learn so much in such a fun and playful way.”

“Puppets in a pedagogical process has been a subject that has opened up a new perspective on teaching using puppets. I was not aware of the great benefits this tool can provide and how useful it can be for children with certain needs or in difficult situations. Or even make use of them to explain certain complicated subjects to the students.”

Sorodne novice

26. 7. 2024

Obvestila o evropskih in mednarodnih razpisih, dogodkih in novicah

23. 7. 2024

Dan dobrodošlice za mednarodne študentke in študente

22. 7. 2024

DIGITAL FIRST: predstavitev slovenskih partnerjev


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