1. 2. 2023

Summer School for Sustainability 2023

Objavljamo obvestilo o poetni šoli na Švedskem. Univerza v Ljubljani bo omogočila udeležbo enemu študentu PEF brez šolnine. Zaintersirane študente vabimo, da kontaktirajo mednarodno pisarno na PEF (mednarodna@pef.uni-lj.si).

University of Gothenburg Summer School for Sustainability will run from July 3 to August 4, 2023. Students will have the opportunity to join an international cohort of like-minded people for five inspirational weeks, to act on sustainability issues and deepen their understanding of global challenges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All of this on campus in Gothenburg, the thriving innovation- and cultural hub on the west coast of Sweden that has been appointed the most sustainable city in the world for six years in a row (by the Global Destination Sustainability Index).

Students will be able to choose one of five courses in the areas of education, politics, biology, digitalization, or humanities. All courses are given at bachelor’s level and taught in English, are valid for 7,5 credits (ECTS), and combine workshops and seminars.

The courses for 2023 are:

  • Managing Migration
  • Digitalisation in a Changing World
  • Teaching Sustainable Development from a Global Perspective
  • Justice: Ideas and Ideals in Fiction, Philosophy and Religion
  • Biodiversity in Western Sweden

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