About faculty

About faculty

The Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana educates and trains teachers and other professional workers in the field of education.

Ceremony for the Establishment of the UNESCO Chair on Teacher Education for Sustainable Development

Invitation – Welcome Day

Library opening hours in the summer



Where you can find us and how you can contact us.

The Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana educates and trains teachers and other professional workers in the field of education. We train all kinds of professionals, from preschool and primary teachers to teachers who are specialists in teaching two subjects or subject areas in primary school, as well as in certain secondary schools. The advantage that graduates from the Faculty of Education have lies precisely in having been trained for at least two subject areas, which increases their employment opportunities as well as responding to the needs of school practice.

In addition, to the traditional teachers’ programmes, the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana is the only institution in Slovenia that trains specialists for inclusive education and the education of children and young people with special needs. It does this through the study programmes of social pedagogy and special and rehabilitation pedagogy, covering the entire spectrum of special needs: from behavioural and social difficulties to all kinds of impairments (vision, hearing, speech, movement) and learning difficulties.

The faculty executes seven first cycle study programmes (BA/BSc) and twelve second cycle study programmes (MA/MSc). In the 2009/10 academic year, we commenced the execution of a new doctoral study programme entitled Teacher Education and Educational Sciences, which is divided into the two scientific areas of the programme title: Teacher Education and Educational Sciences.

The Faculty of Education regularly organises supplementary professional education, as well as pedagogical andragogical (adult) education. Particularly in recent years, scientific-research and artistic work have been strengthened at the Faculty of Education, although many teachers have also worked in these areas previously.  A range of teachers have successfully established themselves at symposia and conferences in Slovenia and abroad, as well as been included in international research projects in which they collaborate with similar universities/faculties in Slovenia and abroad. The primary research undertaken at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana is from the areas of educational sciences, natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities.

At the Faculty of Education we are aware of the importance of the pedagogical profession and endeavour to ensure the quality of our educational work in all of its facets. Our strategy is to become a leading university in teacher education that provides the highest quality research and teaching, and engages locally and internationally on the issues and debates of the current issues in today’s education contexts. Driven by research in various educational disciplines, and stimulating learning, the internationally oriented university informs and changes their practice and thinking constantly.

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